Applicable terms and conditions
As a responsible financial services group, we are open about terms and conditions applicable to our relationships with customers. The fairness and integrity of our practices are at the core of our relationship-building approach. Ensuring compliance with these principles is our responsibility towards our customers. We are transparent about what you can expect from us. You will find below our general terms. We make these documents available to you in a pdf format so that you have the possibility to read, download and save them easily.
Harmonised Business Conditions
This document groups our General Banking Conditions and our Account and Payment Conditions applicable to the entire business relationship with our clients in the Netherlands whether they hold accounts with us or not. They are fully tailored to the needs of corporate customers and are valid in our European network and in New York.
Privacy Policy
We protect your data with the maximum of care and complying strictly with applicable laws and regulations. We invite you to read our privacy policy. This document sets out the basis on which any personal data will be processed by us.
Complaint Procedure
We do our utmost to satisfy our customers. However, if you are not satisfied with the services provided by Societe Generale, Amsterdam branch, you may submit a complaint. To allow you to know which steps you should take if you are not satisfied, please find below our complaints procedure.
Standard Pricing Conditions
We are transparent about rates applicable to our main services. Please find below our standard pricing conditions applicable as of now.