Specialised Financing : ALD Automotive & SGEF
We offer two specialised businesses in the Netherlands, among the leaders in their markets: Fleet management & Full Service Leasing and Professional equipment financing.
ALD Automotive
ALD Automotive is the operational leasing and fleet management business line of Societe Generale, the largest provider in Europe and a company of reference on its market:
- Operates directly in 43 countries,
- Employs over 6,700 persons,
- Manages 1.76 million vehicles (at end of October 2020).
Combining professionalism and quality of services, ALD Automotive provides companies with value-added integrated solutions at both national and international levels.
For more information please visit our corporate website: www.aldautomotive.nl
Societe Generale Equipment Finance
SG Equipment Finance provides manufacturers and dealers as well as end-users with a comprehensive range of equipment leasing and financing products. As one of the leading European equipment and vendor finance partners and part of the Societe Generale group, SG Equipment Finance ensures the expertise, service and security offered by a large global bank.
We set standards by our:
- consistent customer focus
- creative thinking and action
- in depth-expertise of industries and equipment
- expert guidance
- swift deal processing
- attractive product ranges and conditions
For more information please visit our corporate website: https://www.equipmentfinance.societegenerale.nl